Thursday, October 11, 2007

Jumping on the band wagon.

I don't recommend doing that. If the horses stop or accelerate quickly you are left with one smarting tailbone.

It appears that the common theme for first blogs is "How I joined ETH". I'll grab a few minutes and give a quick synopsis before naptime is over and I become dadadada again.

Prior to 2001, I had been playing and recording with various artists in and around Toronto. This was during the time of the dominance of the femal singer/songwriter. I was lucky enough to get connected with several of these fine female songwriters, played on their albums, did some television appearances, watched them win some awards, etc. It ended up being a great way to meet and network within the vast music scene in Toronto. During this time, I decided that it would be in my best interest to go back to school (I'd already done a year of a Bachelor of Science in Nova Scotia, plus a year of studying Classical trumpet at a college in Toronto) and really take the time to focus on my passion - bass. The sexiest of all instruments...

It was during my time at Humber College that I happened to be in a class with a Mr. James Campbell. He approached me one day and said that he was playing with a Celtic rock band and that they were looking for a new bass player. Their primary stipulation, he said, was that they were looking for someone very very cheap and desperate for work. Apparently I was the first and only person he thought of. Thanks, James.

I remember meeting with them one night in an small apartment in Toronto, listened to some of the music, played along with a few tunes and have been along for the ride ever since.

My little man, Mr. Flynn is trying to fling himself out of his crib. I'm going to go stop him.


Fallen said...

I have to say I love your writing style. It makes me laugh, in a good way :)

Cinderbelle said...

Very cheap and desperate for work, huh? You've gotta love when your friends say things like that to you. It makes one feel so loved. Great blog.

Ed said...

Hi, Mark. Nice post. I remember when my daughter (Cinderbelle) was that age. You must be very tired.
Anyway, the first time I saw, or even heard of, ETH was at Irish Fest 2006 in Milwaukee. I was impressed by the entire band, but I'm a bass player and I have to say that you're playing is phenomenal. Looking forward to your show in Madison, WI next month.

DJ said...

Nice post. Classical Trumpet, huh?

midagestalker said...

Very nice Mark! I hope that the rest of the group finally realizes that the bass IS the sexiest of all instruments. My best friend's boyfriend is a bass player and I am sure she would agree! You have great style!!

ricki said...

can't wait for more installments :)

Unknown said...

Bass is the best! :) Thanks for the story, Mark.

C said...

So fun to read your blog. I hope you caught your little man in time! ^_^

The Bishop said...

Hey buddy. I was chillen with Rob the other day. Thought of you and all the fun times jamming in my parents basement. I'm a full fledged reverend now. Ordained an everything. Hope all is well.

Minx said...

Hello The Bishop!
My name is Meg, and it just so happens I met Rob today! Amusing you're talking about Rob the former bass player for ETH...
Small world, yes?